Luke Wachob
Emotions have been running high over health care for several
now. The constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act
heightened those emotions even further, threatening to
plunge the
country into an angry ocean of angst-ridden Tweets.
Yesterday, the Supreme
Court affirmed the “Obamacare” Patient Protection and
Affordable Care
Act in a 5-4 ruling, only placing limits on its provisions
with Medicaid funds. As of this morning, the world still
I don’t think I have the expertise to bash the Court on a
issue like ACA, nor could I give commentary on the entire
case. Don’t
use me as your news source! Instead here are the three most
compelling aspects of today’s ruling. I’ll also test if we can blame this on
9/11, because that’s what American politics is all about.
1) The individual mandate violates the
Constitution, but it doesn’t.
Anyone waiting for the decision to come out yesterday noticed
that CNN and
Fox News both initially reported that the mandate had been
down. This error is surprising from major outlets, but not
surprising when analyzing the decision: the Court found that
Commerce Clause cannot be used to mandate that someone
health insurance.
This is the decision libertarians were looking for. However,
the Court
bought the government’s back-up-to-the-back-up-argument*
that the
mandate is Constitutional because it’s actually just a tax.
Of course,
President Obama made clear many times during the bill’s
passage that
it was not a tax, and this shifting of the law’s designation
to fit
the convenience of the administration (it’s not a tax when
we need the
public to support it, it is a tax when we need the Court to
uphold it)
can only upset anyone with faith in democracy. It certainly seems
unfair, anyway, that the White House was able to call it a
mandate to
get it through Congress, then call it a tax to get it
through the
Court. But still, today’s ruling is not as bad as a ruling
under the
Commerce Clause may have been.
2) The Court’s only ‘partisan’ when it
disagrees with you
Where the individual judges ended up is interesting. Chief
John Roberts joined the liberal justices in upholding the
mandate as a
tax, while swing-vote Anthony Kennedy** enthusiastically
joined the
conservatives. Had the 5-4 split occurred with Roberts and
Kennedy on
opposite sides, the Internet would’ve exploded with cries of
partisanship. But which side would have been acting in a
manner and which one would’ve been objectively applying the
Constitution? We’d never settle that question. This ruling
once again
shows that the Court, while clearly sensitive to both public
and partisan politics, is the least political branch of the
The fact that the ruling was predicted by so few, and that
justices fell on sides of the issue that experts didn’t
shows that public anger aimed at the Court is based in a lot
ignorance. Let’s not lose the lesson here: You can disagree
with the Court, but don’t hate and don’t assume you know what they’re thinking.
3) Can Congress give a private entity
the power to tax?
The liberal enthusiasm for this decision is disheartening to
me. ACA
is more corporate welfare than health care. Does the bill
universal coverage? No. But it is a handy subsidy for health
companies. The Court’s ruling that ACA is constitutional
seems to
suggest that the government may tell citizens: “buy this
product, or
pay this penalty.” I’ve been lectured on corporate greed and
cronyism that influences national policy from liberals for
years, and
yet they mostly cheer for a bill that makes it illegal to
not buy into
that corporate system. This ruling marries big business and
government in a much more profound, unprecedented, and impactful way than
Citizen’s United*****. Occupy should be flipping out right now!!
4) So, can we blame this on 9/11?
Conservatives and libertarians are no doubt most
disappointed with
Chief Justice John Roberts. That a conservative would affirm
ACA is
surprising – indeed, as surprising as a conservative
supporting the
Patriot Act, or national education policy, or unfunded
mandates to the
states. I list those examples for a reason: we may not have
today’s decision if not for George W. Bush. When faced with
open seats on the bench, President Bush needed a conservative who would affirm
the Bush Administration’s War on Terror policies. Roberts was that candidate.
Had Bush been a true conservative, or had we not undertaken the War on Terror,
or had other conservatives not sold out on their principles to either be a
teammate or score patriotism points post-9/11 with Constitutional travesties like
the Patriot Act, John Roberts likely would not have been selected. A different
conservative probably would have joined Thomas, Scalia, Alito, and Kennedy in
viewing the mandate as distinct from a tax. So, yes, we can blame this on 9/11.
* The first back-up argument was that the law was ‘necessary
proper’ which the Court also struck down – presumably while
softly to themselves.
** Kennedy has been a libertarian's hero during this
process. In oral
arguments, he said that the mandate fundamentally changes
relationship between the individual and the government, and
in today’s
dissent he accuses the majority of “a vast judicial
overreaching”. My
heart sank when I heard the ruling, but Kennedy’s opening
statement in the dissent,
“In our view, the act before us is invalid in its entirety”,
me back up some. Somebody gets it.
*** Four, if you count the administrative bureaucracy, and
five, if you count the military independently.
**** Interesting side note on Citizen’s United: According to
a Reason article today, less than 1% of money donated to Super PACs has been
from publically traded corporations. 86% has come from individuals, who have
been making unlimited political contributions since 1976.